Monday, February 20, 2012


As a future teacher, one of the criteria that I have to possess is creativity. A primary school pupils most attracted to learn when the learning process being taught in a game.

Using games is one of the most important ways to teach efficiently in a language class. Games mean the world to children. Nothing is more fun than playing games for them because they feel happy and free while playing. Remember when you were a child; you will remember the games you played and the happiest moments of your life.

It does not matter indoor or outdoor; we cannot deny the importance of games. If students learn with games, have fun, feel happy and free, it means that you have reached your goals. Games strengthen language skills, besides; learners develop social skills and good relationships while they interact with each others.

Do not only get learners to play indoors games. It is useful to try outdoor games whenever the weather is nice. For example even we know board games as indoor games; you can use them in the open air. If there are garden seats outside in the playground, you can use them as desks. Even the idea of going out will make the students excited.
Whatever our goal is (speaking, grammar points, vocabulary) we must believe that every game you have students play, is much more useful than tons of exercises and worksheets and you get more positive results than anything else. Games are highly motivating because the pupils are amusing and interesting. They can be used to give practice in all language skills and be used to practice many types of communication.

But, the contents of the learning and teaching should be appropriated so that the objective of the teaching and learning process being meaningful. It is so scary if the teacher master in handling a game but he ignores the contents. By looking on our own group, we highlighted the class of the words in our game. Pupils we were given a task to find a picture with the word classes is noun, verb and so on.  

In conclusion, using games is an efficient way to teach English in the classroom. This way you get the best results in the classroom. It arises students’ motivation. Games prepare young learners for life and they acquire positive social attitudes. Games teach sharing, helping each other and working as a team. A child learns by doing,living,trying and imitating. So this kind of learning is lasting. During games some feelings such as the pleasure of winning and the ambition of losing may arise. This gives to the teacher an idea about student’s character. So games are must-have activities for hardworking teachers.

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